Blue Oasis has many years of experience in pool and spa repair to perform any repairs necessary to keep your pool up and running properly so that you can enjoy it on demand. From water loss, leaky pumps or a squealing motor ( if you’ve ever had one you know what I mean) we have the knowledge, experience and ability to repair your pool and spa. We also carry an active D-35/C-61 state contractors license to do any and all needed repairs. From the smallest pump inlet leak to troubleshooting your heater let Blue Oasis meet all of your pool repair needs so that your pool will be ready for you to take a refreshing swim in on a hot day or have a relaxing evening in your warm spa with some tired muscle massaging jets!
What we repair
- Pumps
- Filters
- Heaters
- Automation Systems
- Dry and Liquid Chlorine Feeders and Pumps
- Lights
- Plaster - Small Underwater Repair to Complete Replaster
- Acid Washes
- Green to Blue Clean Ups

At Blue Oasis we care about the severe water shortage our beautiful state is experiencing. We acknowledge that this is a major concern to all of us who enjoy living here.We want to do everything that we can as a local business to conserve this precious resource. One method we use to accomplish this is to do repairs without draining the pool whenever possible. Our certified divers can perform a number of basic repairs underwater to save you from having to lose and replace any of your pool water.
Drain Covers
What we do underwater
Replace missing, broken, and non-compliant drain covers.
Did you know that drain cover designs have improved dramatically due to the number of hair entanglements and suction entrapments involving small children? Severe injury and drowning due to unsafe drain covers is a reality in our industry and our company is committed to sharing this information with the public and providing professional repair work to prevent this from happening to anyone, ever.
If your drain covers are more than 5 years old please contact us for a free drowning awareness/safety consultation.
Other underwater repairs that we can do:
- Small Plaster Cracks
- Calcium Nodules scraping
- Light Niches
- Stain removal
- Black Algae Removal
- Small Plaster Cracks
- Calcium Nodules scraping
- Light Niches
- Stains removal
- Black Algae Removal

Are you considering buying a new home with a pool?
Have you recently purchased a new home and have concerns about the pool?
We can help with our 25 Point Pool Inspection. Our comprehensive report covers all of the visible, above ground aspects of your pool and spa
Our Inspections Cover
- Pool /Spa Shell
- Pool/Spa Equipment
- Above Ground Plumbing
- Above Ground Electrical
- Water Quality/Balance
- Put your mind at ease and schedule an inspection with us today!